Our Practice

Our Practice is not just interested in you when you are unwell; we want to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle and general wellbeing no matter what your age. Prevention is always better than cure.

We offer a number of health checks that are designed to help you take control of your health. We also maintain a recall system to help you remember those important preventative measures such as
  • Seasonal flu and pneumococcal vaccinations
  • PAP smears
  • Immunisations
  • Chronic disease management reviews
  • Age specific health assessments
Please advise our staff when making your appointment if it is in regard to any of these measures so that appropriate time can be allocated

Our practice maintains an ongoing relationship with all health care providers on the coast which includes referrals to all specialists, other service providers such as radiology companies, allied health providers (dietitians, physiotherapists, podiatrists, speech therapists etc) to provide the best possible management for patients.

Through a referral process patients who require assistance and support in the home after hospitalisation/operations are put in touch with community bodies such as BlueCare and Spiritus who provide nursing care and support in the home environment.