Dr Neil John Bartels MB.BS (Qld) LL.M (QUT) Grad Cert Leg Med (GU) FACRRM

Dr Bartels was born and educated in Brisbane and studied medicine at the University of Queensland.
He spent some years as Medical Superintendent in Dysart, Central Queensland and in addition to his other qualifications is a Fellow of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine.
This interest in health care in remote areas has also led to his involvement with the Royal Queensland Bush Children’s Health Scheme (BUSHKids) of which he is Chairman. Royal Queensland Bush Children’s Health Scheme
Dr Bartels has been an established and respected member of the medical community on the Gold Coast, and in particular in the Carrara/Nerang area for over twenty years. Many of his patients have been with him throughout this time and are now bringing their children and grandchildren to the Practice. This is testament to the level of care and commitment displayed by Dr Bartels.
Dr Bartels also holds a Master of Laws degree from QUT and has a particular interest in Family Law and the law relating to healthcare and occupational health. This specialised expertise has led to his increasing involvement with WorkCover Queensland both as an Independent Medical Examiner for over ten years and, more recently, as a member of the Medical Advisory Panel. His opinion on work related injuries and levels of permanent impairment are respected and sought after and he is a recognised authority in these fields.
As an extension of his expertise in the field of occupational health he is also the nominated medical officer for a number of local companies.
Recently Dr Bartels became one of the first Nominated Medical Advisors in the area authorised to carry out Coal Mine Workers Health Assessments or Coal Board Medicals. His first hand experience of central and north Queensland as a FACRRM and through his involvement with BUSHKids gives him an insight into the requirements of this industry.

Dr Bartels was born and educated in Brisbane and studied medicine at the University of Queensland.
He spent some years as Medical Superintendent in Dysart, Central Queensland and in addition to his other qualifications is a Fellow of the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine.
This interest in health care in remote areas has also led to his involvement with the Royal Queensland Bush Children’s Health Scheme (BUSHKids) of which he is Chairman. Royal Queensland Bush Children’s Health Scheme
Dr Bartels has been an established and respected member of the medical community on the Gold Coast, and in particular in the Carrara/Nerang area for over twenty years. Many of his patients have been with him throughout this time and are now bringing their children and grandchildren to the Practice. This is testament to the level of care and commitment displayed by Dr Bartels.
Dr Bartels also holds a Master of Laws degree from QUT and has a particular interest in Family Law and the law relating to healthcare and occupational health. This specialised expertise has led to his increasing involvement with WorkCover Queensland both as an Independent Medical Examiner for over ten years and, more recently, as a member of the Medical Advisory Panel. His opinion on work related injuries and levels of permanent impairment are respected and sought after and he is a recognised authority in these fields.
As an extension of his expertise in the field of occupational health he is also the nominated medical officer for a number of local companies.
Recently Dr Bartels became one of the first Nominated Medical Advisors in the area authorised to carry out Coal Mine Workers Health Assessments or Coal Board Medicals. His first hand experience of central and north Queensland as a FACRRM and through his involvement with BUSHKids gives him an insight into the requirements of this industry.